Humanity's Trinity of Being

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We need faith in God in order to follow him because without faith, it is impossible to please God. Any life outside God is meaningless.

Men suffer when they do not know God: the greatest pain Dream Life Mastery Review in life is suffering for ignorance. When a man is not in right order with God it can cause serious suffering. There is a man called Jabez who was born in sorrow. In other words, his star was covered at birth. It seems as though all his hope are gone, a man with no more future, even the name means sorrow. But something happened that should stand as example for us all and that is Jabez knew God. He knew that he is the changer of names and he cried unto God for blessing (1chron. 4:10).

God actually changed his situation and he became more honourable than his brethren. People suffer things they wouldn't have suffered if they have known Jesus. Even if your star has been covered and destroyed, God can still make you whom he created you to become. Unfortunately, many people do not really know this God and they perish for lack of knowledge. God is the creator of stars; he is the creator of destiny. When you know him, you can easily cry unto him, like Jabez, and your story will turn around.

Lack of faith in God: this is another serious reason why men suffer. Some people know God but they lack the appropriate faith of walking with God. Our ways are not God's way. We want it now but God wants it for us at the appropriate time. So when you outrun God or move slower than him, you may find regret at the long run. So, we need to follow God at his own pace while he champions our course.
