How Can Dia****es affect your eyes?
Dia****es can affect the body in many ways, but the eyes are particularly vulnerable. Dia****ic eye disease is a group of eye conditions that people with dia****es are at an increased risk of developing and, if left untreated, can lead to vision loss or blindness. Fortunately, the majority of dia****es-related vision loss can be avoided if detected early.
People with dia****es can significantly reduce their risk of dia****ic eye disease by carefully managing their blood sugar levels. This includes regular monitoring, a balanced diet, exercise, and taking medication as prescribed by a health care professional. Optimising all other cardiovascular risk factors, mainly blood pressure and cholesterol, is also important. Maintaining regular eye examinations, even if you don’t have any symptoms, can significantly reduce the risk and severity of eye complications.
Contact us to make an appointment with an experienced retinal specialist at Nexus Eyecare Norwest or Nexus Eyecare Blacktown.
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